Our Community
Perhaps we are a little biased but... we LOVE the dance family and community we've built here at Purely Dance! Our goal is to provide a positive, encouraging and welcoming space to everyone who steps through our doors. We value each dancer and their family no matter how much time they spend in our building!
Maintaining a Positive Atmosphere
- We have high expectations when it comes to the atmosphere at our studio! Our expectation is that everyone works to be kind, respectful and welcoming to each other while in our lobby, in our classrooms or at our events. We believe maintaining our positive, welcoming atmosphere is the responsibility of each and every one of us - owners, teachers, staff, parents, and students alike!
- We have zero tolerance for bullying or disrespectful behavior at the studio. When these situations arise, staff and managers will step in to reiterate expectations and take action where appropriate to prevent future issues.
- Our teachers and staff avoid showing favoritism in order to provide equal opportunities to all dancers and families. We believe that everyone has value and deserves equal opportunity to shine!
Community Outreach
- Operation Christmas Child - In November, we collect donations of a variety of items such as school supplies, toys, clothing and general hygiene items for the Operation Christmas Child program through Samaritan's Purse (visit their website HERE). Then we invite our dancers and their families to join us to pack all of the donations we received during the donation drive. We spend a couple hours together packing presents for children all over the world to receive in the coming months. These donations bring smiles, encouragement and Christmas cheer to children all over the world. It's important to us that we are a positive influence on the world around us!
- Cardz For Kidz - We collect handmade cards and donate them to the Cardz For Kidz organization (visit their website HERE). These handmade cards bring smiles, encouragement and hope to children, families, seniors and veterans in hospitals, schools, senior living facilities and through other nonprofit organizations. It's important to us that we are a positive influence on the world around us!
- Performance Team - The Purely Dance Performance Team is a fun, fast paced learning experience for dancers of all skill levels ages 6 years old and up. Any dancer who wants to join, can join! We don't do tryouts but instead have placement classes. Placement classes mean that anyone who attends is eligible to join the team! Students gain valuable experience in dance skills, performing, and teamwork throughout the course of the year. They will learn dance routines and perform at a wide range of venues including retirement homes, schools, Glendale Glitters, Desert Ridge Mall, and the State Fair.
How We Keep in Touch
- We use the Band App as an easy virtual way to connect with everyone at the studio! This phone app (also available through your desktop computer) allows us to post upcoming events, deadlines, and important notices so you don't miss anything. The app also allows our parents and students to post, chat and ask questions of each other or our staff without having to share private information (like phone numbers or emails) with everyone. We also organize occasional challenge events and live streams to provide more opportunities to connect with fellow dancer and families!
- We send emails to our families regarding any upcoming events, deadlines and important notices so you don't miss out! Our goal isn't to spam your inbox (we know how busy you are!) so we do our best to limit the emails you receive from us.
- All important dates, events, classes, registrations or notices will also be provided to you in a small paper handout at the end of class as well as posted in our lobby on our bulletin boards and white boards.
Have a question? We are happy to answer!
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